Wednesday, June 12, 2024


The night brightened, the lightning smiled,
The thunder cooed, the sky was beguiled,
With the ambrosia from clouds, the earth was styled,
The air was perfumed and the Sunflower bud shined.

The bud bloomed, as the summer sang,
Far from the east, the ray of Sun sprang,
With a unique charm, embraced the Sunflower,
And adore of all the worlds he did shower.

Enamoured as one could be, the Sunflower has been...
Vowed her Love for eternities,
More than forever could have ever seen...
For theirs is a story, that Time has destined.

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!