Monday, September 16, 2024

An Anecdote Away :1

An exceptionally expressive soul with a stoic stanced exterior is a puzzlingly perplexing problem. I call it the esp... for reasons that seem and feel obvious... to me. But as has been proved earlier, on many occasions, I cannot say with a certainty that it is obvious to others. 

Thus arises the need, nay want, to explain. However, just how an explained joke is a joke no more, this too meets the same fate. So, I would not describe too much than is actually needed. 

There's another reason too. I am pretty sure that this piece, or any other piece penned by me, would not be visible to a majority of people- many will actually not see it, and many will choose not to. Of the countable few who will see it, most would not be read past the first couple of lines. And by the time we reach the crux, or even the beginning of the crux, there might not be any readers left. In essence, it might just be me or someone like me who reads it; they would understand anyway.

So, here's the beginning. It was one of those subject labs which was considered (probably still is) as one of the most difficult and complex labs. It required application of both software and hardware components embedded into one. And hence (possibly) it seemed daunting, because the presence of both aspects, actively, in humans is also a rare sight these days. Hence, to relate to aspects of this lab might not be an easy task.

In one of the sessions of these labs, we were to hand out problem statements to each of the lab participants. The norm I prefer to follow is to test the waters yourself first before sending anybody in. So, one saturday afternoon, one of my colleagues and I decided to give each statement a try. There were 6 statements, in total, to test. The first 4 were executed without hiccups of any sort. When it came to the 5th statement however, that was not the case. 

For the 5th statement, we wrote the lines of code, made the necessary configurations and turned our eyes towards the screen that would show us the output. But, it wasn’t what it was expected. It showed a "different", "unexpected" value. I was thrilled to say the least. My soul was experiencing exploding streams of happiness. My stance, however, was calm. I was smiling which was a vast vast understatement of how excited I felt at that moment. I was able to utter a meagre "wow" that assisted my smile.

My colleague looked at me and had an expression that was "expected" at that moment. The output was unexpected and hence is considered an "error", something that is not meant to exist, something that should be discarded, removed. My expression might not have made sense. So, she asked me why I was happy/calm about it. The output was so irrelevant and had to be fixed. I knew what she meant but I didn't quite understand the reaction.

Maybe the output was irrelevant in that context, but it still felt like a desirable necessity. If everything goes as they are expected to go, if everything is done to fit the relevance code, everything would be so linear, so redundant, and so against the basic nature of the very universe we live in. Why can’t we celebrate irrelevances, differences, unexpected-ness-es!!

There was no way I was going to ramble these lines there. So, I just said that even though it is an "error", it still is so beautiful and interesting. And that made me happy. She was kind, and hence smiled back with a "you are optimistic" reply. We did not dwell on it further and after a couple of minutes of modifications, the experiment showed the expected outcome. We winded up the 6th one too and called it a day.

I still have a photo of that unexpected result on the social media page of this website. It might be insignificant, but still doesn't feel insignificant. It feels like it had a meaning and a purpose. The day that it was... irrational and beautiful. 

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Book

I am reminded of the time when I would go to this library to look for this particular book I wanted to read at that time.

But it was always unavailable. I  went in almost everyday for a month... or maybe even more. 

However, the book still wouldn't be there. There was just one copy in that library and one person had borrowed it the same day when I first went looking for it. I was few minutes late and this person was able to borrow it right before me. And now, this person was surely taking their own sweet time returning it. 

I would return every time with some other book, and sometimes, even empty-handed. 

Even though I made sure not to look too eager about it, but asking for the same book for the longest time sure does not help with that attempt. The librarian probably noticed my vain attempt. After a couple of weeks, she would tell me even before I could ask for the book... once more. It was helpful... somewhat... at least I had to use fewer words and now the smile was all it took. The librarian was always kind to me.

After about a month, the librarian, kind as she was, she promised to call me as soon as the book is returned. I need not go looking for it everyday.

A few more days passed and ultimately... I left that city.

After all these years, I still haven't received that call. I wonder how she is doing and if she forgot to give that call.

I wonder too... about how the book is doing.
The book..."Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" by Goethe or popularly known as "The Sorrows of Young Werther".

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


She never said
And he never asked
Even if the thoughts were there
He never uttered a single word.
And she, like she was,
Could never have believed
Even if the words she wished 
Were the words she heard.

For his voice was a magical spell
That made her heart quiver,
She dwelled in weaved worlds
Where his voice shined,
And she was the staunch believer.
His voice brightened every corner
And every nook,
With the fragrance of his smile there,
There was nothing that could have her shook

And yet she never spoke...
Her eyes spake of her feelings
But the silence, her lips never broke.

He wished too,
To speak of his soul,
The mystery of her dimple,
And how it made him whole.
If only words were that simple,
He could write sagas about her,
For she was nothing like he ever knew
But everything he desired 
And his heart drew.

She was the comfort of morning rays
And enigma of the satin night,
The embodiment of the gentlest soul,
And the sparkle in her eyes
Made everything right,
His universe with the perfect sight.

And still, she never said
And he never asked 
Even if the thoughts were there
They never uttered a single word


8/   9/3   9/6   /4=   /39

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Saturday, August 17, 2024


Make me white
Make me black
Make me grey
Even a color 
That from the color wheel 
May momentarily go astray

Make me red
Make me purple
Make me pink
Even a color
That lies in the spectrum
Albeit to the brink

Make me yellow
Make me orange
Make me brown
Even a color
That has never known
How it feels to have the crown

Make me blue
Make me azure
Make me green
Even a color
That might have lost
A tinge or two of its sheen

But spare me the one
That has been there forever
But has its lifetime done
Spare me the one
That could have had something 
But it always had none
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Breathing Waters

The breathing waters
speak of Life, 
the one that exists as a testament,
a testament to the Love
of the Sun and the Moon.

바다의 모든 물 한 방울은 숨을 쉰다
숨쉬는 바다는 생명을 말해준다... 
증거로서 생명을 말해준다
태양과 달의 사랑의 증거이다.

A little something:

On March 18, 2023, I took a boat to an island in the Arabian sea. The waters, which appeared to be alive and breathing, captivated me. I knew I need to put those feelings into words.

So, two days later, on March 20, 2023, I announced (to myself) that I will write about it.

More than a year later, I wrote some words...but they could barely scratch the surface of all the feelings that were felt, and all the thoughts that were lived on that day. And I still have unmaterialized emotions yet to see the light of thoughts, and possibly be framed in words.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 8, 2024

ଜହ୍ନର ସ୍ବପ୍ନ: Dream of the Moon

ତନ୍ଦ୍ରା ସୁରେ ଜହ୍ନ ନିଦ୍ରା ଯାଏ ଯେବେ,
ଭ୍ରମେ ସେ ସପନ ରାଇଜେ ।
ସେ ରାଇଜେ ଥାଏ ଶୂନ୍ଯର ଆକାଂକ୍ଷା,
ଶୂନ୍ଯ କୋଳେ ତିଳେ ଭ୍ରମ କାହିଁ ଯେ ?

ନାହିଁ ସେଠି ଧରା, ଦିଶେ ନାହିଁ ତାରା,
ନାହିଁ ମାନସିକ ଥାଳି, ଅବା ଅଲୋଡ଼ା ପସରା ।
ସେଠି ଅଛି ଅଭୁଲା ସେ ନିଶବ୍ଦର ଧ୍ବନି,
ଯେ ଧ୍ବନି ଗୁନ୍ଥିଥାଏ ଅର୍କାଲୋକ ମଧୁର ରାଗିଣୀ ।।

ଅର୍କାଲୋକ ରାଗିଣୀର ପ୍ରତିଟି ଛନ୍ଦରେ,
ଥାଏ କାହାଣୀ ମଧୁମୟ ପ୍ରତିଟି ପଦରେ ।
ନିଦ୍ରା ଗାଏ ତନ୍ଦ୍ରା ସୁରେ ଯେବେ ସେ କାହାଣୀ,
ମୁଗ୍ଧ ହୋଇ ଜହ୍ନ ହସେ ସେ ସ୍ବପ୍ନ କ୍ଷଣରେ ।।
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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


The night brightened, the lightning smiled,
The thunder cooed, the sky was beguiled,
With the ambrosia from clouds, the earth was styled,
The air was perfumed and the Sunflower bud shined.

The bud bloomed, as the summer sang,
Far from the east, the ray of Sun sprang,
With a unique charm, embraced the Sunflower,
And adore of all the worlds he did shower.

Enamoured as one could be, the Sunflower has been...
Vowed her Love for eternities,
More than forever could have ever seen...
For theirs is a story, that Time has destined.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 23, 2024


In the days of the sun
And the nights during the moons
On the roads with the clouds
And in the sheds of the skies' shrouds
Air and Water breathed
Of memories and moments...
That are, in rare silk of time, wreathed. 

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

물방울: Waterdrops

어느 비오는 날...
풀잎은 물 몇 방울을
기다리던 그 여름날을
간절한 눈으로 추억했다.

이제 비가 온다...계속 내린다.
빗물이 부족하지 않다.
풀잎은 여전히...
그 몇 물방울 그리워한다. 

Meaningful English Translation:

One rainy day..
The blades of grass reminisced
that day in summer
when they waited
for a few drops of water with eager eyes.

Now it continues to rain.
And there's no shortage/insufficiency of water.
The blades of grass still
yearn for those few drops of water.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 3, 2024

Single Digit To Nine Digits

So... there's this special day. A day about which no one was aware. Of course, the people who were in her proximity were exceptions to that arrangement. Among them, only a few (just a handful: in single digit, to be exact) would remember about it.

She liked this configuration. In fact, that is how she preferred it to be. She has her reasons and trying to understand it could fry some brain circuitry. So, we will just let it be like that. But let's just say, her only goal has always been to maximize an index she loved the most, especially on this special day. 

It has always been like that, until this year.

This year, at least a 100 million people across the globe would be celebrating on her special day. They would be celebrating something else, which she would be too, but those celebrations will happen on her special day. And she would have two events to celebrate. 

She could still celebrate the day by herself without being bombarded with unrequisite formalities (of wishing or congratulatory texts), that more often than not, are just obligations. Additionally, while ensuring her peace of mind, there would also be a 100 million (nine digits) people who would feel and experience happiness, an index she has always wished to maximize. 

When a 100 million people are happy and celebrating on your special day (even if it is for something else), what more could you ask for!?
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I Will Still Write

When the earth crumbles
Or the skies melt
And the stylus between my fingers 
Can no longer be felt
I will still write 
I will write of my soul 
The ink in my veins
Will drizzle on parched roll

Words of affirmation 
Messages of hope
I will write of stories
That could help you cope

I will write of dreams
And of the glorious sun
I will still write of Life
Even when my words are mute
And heard by none
(I do, I still do) 

When the moon in me
Is in darkness from the sun
I will still write of Love
And of You, my quill will still go on.. 

In moments of hope
And also in despair
In the moments of sapphire night
And in the days of the beaming star
I will write of my wishes
And of destiny and dream
With You as my muse
Tales from the nib
Will continue to stream

Irrelevant and unrelatable
I will commit my thoughts to pen
It is my life blood
I will still write, time and again.

A little something:

The following lines were almost there in the poem. However, in the last minute, I decided not to include them. What do you think: should they have been included? Comment your thoughts, please. 

When the light from the east is no more bright
And the moon succumbs to a heartbreaking plight
I will spun words of hope and tales of dreams
I will write of You, of Love, and let the stars alight.

When the rays from the east shines no more
And the moon, by death, has been spoken for
My words will sing, of Life's lore
My pen will still speak, of beauty and more.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Would he?

Had he known
that would be the last time
he would be meeting her,
would he have given her that gift
that is still there
on the top shelf of his book case,
waiting for her?

Had he known 
that would be the last time 
he would be seeing her,
would he have taken
possibly a few seconds more
to dive into her chocolate eyes
and remember the dimples
that appeared everytime she smiled?

Had he known 
that would be the last time 
he would be listening to her voice,
would he have leisurely given in
to the rhythm of his heartbeat
that danced to her euphonious tone?

Had he known 
that would be the last time 
he would be breathing in
the air that had kissed her,
would he have preserved
that essence of hers that smelled like
a meadow of peonies in spring
in a bottle made of the sunshine
that reflected from her ring?

Had he known 
that would be the last time 
he would be feeling the
softness of her touch
accidentally, against the warmth
of her cocoa-filled cup,
would he have treasured that moment
in the silky flowers that bloomed
when she blinked her eyes
and let the evening stars drop?

Had he known
those words she spoke then
would be her last words to him,
would he have listened to them
in a different tone,
or would he have said his words
that he had till that point postponed?

Would his wait now be any different 
if he had not waited for the moment then,
and had he done what he
could and should have done,
not knowing... that would be
probably their last time under the sun?
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Not Digital Beings

Between "have"s and "have not"s
Between being there and absent slots
There's a bit more to messages we leave
Than the mere dashes and dots

There's more to the unspelled
Than what has been spelled
A dash of emotions...that's always there
But has been withheld 
A rush of feelings
And a flow of thoughts 
There's an entire cosmos
Between the ones and noughts

That's where art is born
And stories and poems are spun
When the heart skips a beat 
And have dreams in it adorned

For humans are not just beings
With flesh, blood, and bones
A true human is beyond that
Enriched with empathy and consideration 
With a heart, a soul, feelings, and notions
And beyond figures...
With borrowed and perceived digital emotions

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 26, 2024


In the grim heat of an arid parched dune
She is the heart of a sanguine June
Among the chorus voices
That lauded just the moon
She adores the entire cosmos
And the sun has her swoon

In the illusion of the rainbow roses
The verses let the thorns speak
The Peony too has braved winters
But she sings of spring in a voice,
That has never been meek

The words have kept them alive
But they string them in moulds of pain
Disguised in robes of what-they-call-love
They damn them in poems
Time and again

But she loves without bounds
Even though her words are often sans sounds
Love has been Life and Life has been Love
She has cherished them, with words from her trove
With Love, her dreams are pearled
Perhaps she is not from the same world
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Never-Ending Pages: ଅସରନ୍ତି ପୃଷ୍ଠା ସବୁ

ଚିରନ୍ତନ ସେ ପ୍ରେମ ପୁସ୍ତକର
ଅସରନ୍ତି ପୃଷ୍ଠା ସବୁ ଓଲଟାଇବା ବେଳେ
ଦୃଷ୍ଟି ରହିଗଲା ସେହି ପୃଷ୍ଠାଟିରେ
ପୃଷ୍ଠାର ନାମ "ଜୀବନ"...
ଅସୀମ ବହିର ସିମୀତ ସେ ଜୀବନ ଫର୍ଦ୍ଦରେ
ଅନେକ ଗାଥା ଅନେକ କାହାଣୀ
କିଛି ଇତି ହୁଏ, କିଛି ରହିଯାଏ ସେମିତି
କିନ୍ତୁ ସରେ ସେ ଯାତ୍ରା,
ଫେରେ ସେ ପଥ, ଦେଇ ଲେଉଟାଣି...
କିନ୍ତୁ ପ୍ରେମ...
ଅନନ୍ତ ଅସରନ୍ତି ଅଦ୍ଭୁତ ଚିର ଚଇତି
ନା ଅଛି ତା'ର ଆଦି,
ଅନ୍ତ ବା ତା'ର ହେବ କେମିତି!?


A little something:

They say... Love is a page in the book of Life. But I believe, Life is a page in the book of Love. Even though the pages of Life is limited, this book called "Love" is never-ending, eternal.

It started with the thought: While skimming through the pages of (a book called) "Love", I stumbled upon a page which spelled "Life".

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

When Rain Comes

On a vivid Friday afternoon 
Of those warm spring days
The condensation drops trickled down
From his coffee cup
As he shifted his gaze 
There in the distance
Upon the chest of the cerulean skies
The infant clouds chuckled 
As they ambled and met his eyes
His eyes smiled but had a hint of forlorn
They longed for something 
The clouds could have sworn
The zephyr whispered
To the clouds with a shy smile
It's the rainbow he wishes to see
Their destiny's taking quite a while
The clouds replied
As they took another stride
The wait will not be long enough
And certainly will not be short either
Tell him to wait for the rains
And not to let his hope wither
For when the rain comes
And drizzles upon the flowers  
The sunshine too shall dance
And dabble her feet in the golden showers
Ask him to wait
With that love in his heart
For when the rain comes 
The sunrays too
Shall play their part
The word of the clouds
The zephyr did relay
His eyes glimmered
As he smiled at the day
For forever with her 
I will wait with adore
Through springs and summers
And through rains across the shore
I will wait for the day
With a heart that hums
When the sun shines
And when the rain comes
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 22, 2024

Memory-filled Pages

It was a land of magic
A land of unknown
But more familiar than anything
She had ever seen or known

In gardens of possibilities 
The seas let her sail
Every walk through the flowing pages
Told her about a dreamy tale

Words so soft and eternal 
They weaved in a potent loom
Like between shadow and sun
When the loving Azaleas bloom

The essence of the earthy vanilla
Lighted her imagination in the cozy nooks
Where she delved in the memory-filled pages
Of her treasure chest of books


A little something:

Azaleas, considered as a birth flower in some regions, signifies happiness, passion, and positivity. While most flowering plants either bloom yearlong or in a particular season, Azaleas bloom and bloom again: in Spring, a part of Summer, and sometimes during Autumns. This aspect of the flowers are motivating and inspiring. In addition, I find it lovely that they too like the morning Sun.

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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Ek Baar Aur

वह सिर्फ एक तस्वीर थी
या तसव्वुर की कोई परछाई,
मालूम न था मुझे ठीक से,
फिर भी ...
एक बार और मुड़ के देखने की इच्छा हुई  ।

है वही आसमान सी खुशबू
आंखों में कशिश...जैसे सागर की गहराई,
शायद हजारों बार देखा,
फिर भी...
एक बार और मुड़ के देखने की इच्छा हुई ।

लबों पे वह दिलकश हंसी
जिससे नवंबर की धूप भी थी शरमाई,
भला भूले वह कैसे कोई,
फिर भी...
एक बार और मुड़ के देखने की इच्छा हुई ।


English Translation:

Was it just a picture
Or a figment of my imagination 
I was not too sure
I wished to see it once more.

I could smell the fragrance of the sky in there
Those alluring eyes...feels like the depths of the ocean
Have witnessed it a thousand times maybe
I wished to see it once more.

The lips adorned that charming smile
Which makes even the November sunshine to shy away (or feel less confident)
Who would ever forget that
I wished to see it once more.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Deemed Different!

Do I see nothing? 
Or may be hear nothing? 
Oh no no! They can be mimicked.
Possibly you feel nothing!

I feel nothing? 
But my heart still beats.
Oh no no!
It's just another thumping sound.
It really means nothing!

Why does it have to mean nothing? 
It might just be something
For I do not hear, I feel my heart beating.
I feel the rush of happiness 
And the blush of Love
My eyes maybe illegible
And tears invisible 
But my soul...
It cries the emotions thereof.

It might not be what it seems. 
For your actions for perfection
belong to different themes. 
For you speak of bliss and light
And the world relates to tales of dreary sight.
Even "belong" seems to not belong
For you are different, so different 
Like the lyrics of an alien-made song.

That came to me as a blessing 
But was taken as a curse
By the world that tried to coerce
My melody to their different verse
I see the beauty of the morning
And feel the depth of the charming night
My words smell the dew's purity
And innocence of the flowers
That dance with delight

There maybe a sense of fear
But never of loss
For the night maybe dark
But it leads to a morning of hopeful gloss
Be as different as it may seem to the world
But my words of Love
Have been my dreamy abode
On and on, I will move on that road. 
For the catharsis my thoughts seek
They have, upon me, bestowed.

A little something:

The thoughts for this piece have been there with me since a few years now. When I came across the prompt "Catharsis", I knew the time has come. 

Catharsis, the term, has several interpretations depending upon the context. The popular interpretation, as I have seen,  is to express deep-seated emotions through some medium, mostly through arts. 

In this piece, I have used a conversational style of representation. The context used here is primarily based on 2 different mediums,viz. literature and theater.

The aim is to let go of the things that have been pulling you back or are too burdensome for you. The first step is acceptance of the burden that you carry. In the process of letting go, you end up losing things, and that loss is the harbinger of new beginnings. The outcome also becomes the catalyst of the process  And I find this beautiful, poetic.

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Morning Spell

I woke up to the fragrance 
Of a nautical twilight 
And witnessed the smiling cuckoo's voice
Streaming through the room's skylight

A moment, and some more, passed by
As I waited there 
Awaiting nothing
But I let the dreams fly

The tingling bells of my window chime
Chimed and clinked and twinkled
To the touch of the first rays of the sun
They sprinkled
Tales of the journey and moments of yore
That the sun listened
From far across the shore

They entailed the stories of the smiles
That jingled my heart strings
From three thousand and some miles
And I almost hear the voice
That melts my soul
And lets my heart rejoice

Upon the caress of the breeze
The wind chime calls again
And sings the song's bridge
That runs through its vein

With a smile in my heart
And dewy glimmer in my eyes
I go on with the day
As I glance towards the skies 
The skies seemed fine
But were still under a spell
Possibly of that smile
And of the tingling bell
Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Of Desires

Of the thousand desires
That rules the human mind
Some are flaunted
And some confined 

Then there are those 
That rule beyond leaps and bounds 
Of mind, of heart, 
And of the eternal soul
Amongst the cosmic sounds

A desire to desire
Or be desired
Desires wane
When inspiration gets tired

But somewhere down in the dark
Lies a lone waning desire
That has stepped back for a while
In the busy hustling fire

It was fiery like the sun's core
And loving like it's rays
The waning desire was masked
In the shadows of the ecliptic phase

That phase, too shall pass
When the hope shines it's rays
For the sunlight wanes for hours
And the moon wanes for days

Burn like the sun 
With all your might
Or glow like the moon 
With borrowed light
But the light will wax once more
Keep the faith
And believe in your core

Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 15, 2024

A True End?

The dusk blushed with a flushed purple
And the paper daisy flowers heaved a sigh
For there she was once again
On her way to the roads
That dreamt of the sky

The noises babbled 
"sky was the limit", they jabbered 
But what is limit's limit
Rarely did their thoughts scrabbled

But she was a traveller
With a dreamer's heart 
It was a vain attempt, she knew.. 
To tell beginnings and ends apart

For time has never been linear
And space is home
To ellipses, circles, and spheres
There would never be a true end
Even if you walk miles or light years

For end has never truly been
Nor does the tale of absolute things
It has always been a mirage
Like folk tales that a tourist strings

So she journeyed on
To the wake of dawn
As flowers bloom
And the life as we know it
Goes on

"Because a journey does not have a true source nor does it have a true destination. Source and destination are mere semblances. Journey is the sole veracity."
Excerpt from 'Enigmatic Horizon'


Copyright © 2024 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

About Me

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!