Monday, November 20, 2023

For The Misfits

I write…
Of the vibrance of the rays of dawn
Of the glorious twinkling stars
Of the calming glistening moonlight
Of the marvels that the cosmos has.

I write…
Of the beauty of Life
Of the miracles of Hope
Of the wonders of happiness
Of the magic of Love.

I write…
Of the brilliance of colors
Of the soothing aromas
Of the gentleness of the breeze
Of the soothing strength of words

It’s all joys and merry
Is it really so…
Has it been scary?

I have witnessed
The gloomiest of dusks
And shrouded days in the clouds
I too have seen
The darkest of nights
And the Universe with a dreary sight

There have been
Frigid dances of death
And moments of despair
With doomed breaths
I’ve been casted upon
With the curse of oblivion
Spells of Blues
And numerous moments of forlorn.

There too are pallid days
That I’ve spent in cold corners
Devoid of any scent
During storms that have been braved
And in deafening silences
The comfort of words have been craved

But I still write
Of the things that I write 
Knowing they are far from
Conventionally right (relatability)

But I write
For the unconventional souls
Who do not fit
With the generic norms
For they speak a language
That barely anyone knows

And when they seek comfort
They crave for words
That are bright and light
And not the ones
That glorify treacherous woes’ might

Yes, I write for them
For the “misfits”
For those who do not relate
With relatability

Maybe someday 
Some far far future day
My unrelatable word would reach them
To serve as a momentary abode
And reinforce their values of hope and love

So, I will write
Till my pen bleeds and thoughts flow

For you,
For me,
And for the ones
Who desire,
in all darkness,
Of life and a momentary glow.
Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!