Friday, July 28, 2023

Don't Fall For The Words

There are emotions
Undefined and unnamed
And feelings so abstract
Even dimensions cannot capture

But there's still a desire
To let that essence percolate 
So they weave with heart
A sentiment
Which even words can't fathom

Poetry, they call it...
But all they see are words

Don't fall for the words
For they are but just a tool
To create an approximation
Of a dimension
That may lead you to feel the emotion
Not of the poet
But of your own
That you might have suppressed
From time unknown

Don't fall for the words
If you wish to know
The poet's sentiment
And the dreamy universes they sow
For words are meant to hide 
But pretend to show

Poems encase a cosmic weave
Of thoughts, whims, and notions
That exist and rest
Beyond the "normal" comprehension
So, don't fall for the words
For the poet's heart
They will never know
Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!