Tuesday, February 28, 2017

‘Bliss’ful Memories

It was a lazy afternoon. There were things for which my attention was more needed, but at that moment the only thing I could think of is to let everything just be! I thought of stepping out of my house and exploring the afternoon in its full splendor. I started walking, sans a destination. But, then again, why think of a destination when you can have a beautiful journey. I witnessed the warm breeze melting with the fragrance of the flowers, mused over the clouds forming and reforming, and beheld the afternoon folding its crease to a beautiful twilight.

Roving, I reached near the Forum Value mall. I had no intentions of going inside the mall, probably because I did not have any rationale to be there. Nonetheless, I still moved in. There were no activities going on in the mall, which otherwise is a quite regular thing in the Forum Value. There, standing in all its glory, was Bliss, the chocolate lounge. The sight of so many varieties of chocolates at one place was reason enough for me to walk in. I had never been to Bliss before (every time I visited the mall prior to this specific visit, was for some work. And by work, I mean for only getting/purchasing essentials, and never for leisure stroll). However, this was a different jaunt.

Bliss’s appearance theme was chocolate; no surprises there. The seating area had comfortable couches. I was given the menu as soon as I seated myself. I certainly needed more time to zero in on the flavor of the chocolates. Hence, I opted for a spiced hot chocolate and a mushroom sandwich to start with. The hot chocolate arrived before I could decide on a single chocolate flavor. The sandwich arrived immediately after. I gave my decision-making forces some rest and immersed in the delicacy. The sandwich bread was wonderfully soft. The cheese melted into the mushroom slices, giving it a rich, creamy texture and a slight nutty zing. The show stealer, however, was the spiced hot chocolate. The amalgamation of the rich dark chocolate with the hot milk was lip-smacking. The subtle hint of the cinnamon aroma and its sweet-spicy taste elevated the experience of the beverage to a whole another level. The purple twilight, the amazing sandwich and the heavenly hot chocolate was a perfect combination one could ask for. That defined the word ‘Bliss’. How aptly named!

If I would not have been so full, I would have had another of the hot chocolates without a single thought. I had to get some of their chocolates too. The staff at the counter helped me in choosing the flavors of the chocolate, which I packed for home. They were equally delightful. That entire journey, if I may call it so, was sort of serendipitous. Every subsequent time I visited Bliss, hot chocolate (spiced, simple dark, and white being the different varieties) became my usual order. Though it was not a first of a kind of my “journey”s, and certainly not my only visit to Bliss, it definitely was a memorable one.

Memories are enigmatic. They can make us relieve cherished moments time and again. Life is all about treasuring old memories, venturing into new journeys, making new memories there, and then cherishing them forever. Let life be redolent with memories. After all, it’s One Life To Live!


P.S. : The chronicled experience here entails for my visit to Bliss-the Chocolate Lounge years back (2012-2013-ish).

Copyright © One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!