Sunday, February 20, 2022


There were days
And there have been
Nights too
In the many years
That I have lived
In this planet blue

But the days now
Have been longer
Or may be shorter, who knew?
And so have been
The nights too

It was beautiful before
And now it is too
Everything is just different
The mystical night
And the shining dew
Since I realized
What I felt about you.
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 14, 2022

Like Eternity

As the radiant bright petals
Of the cosmos flower
Looked up at the sky
And smelled the rays of adore

As the azure sky
Held its breath
And glanced upon
The beautiful moor

It held the rhythm of love
Like eternity captured
In the beauty of your soul

Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Dance Of Time

Every aspect fit
Like pieces of a puzzle
Was everything just chance
Or the music of cosmic will

Beyond the bounds of time
And of distances that extended
Whatever were the fences
A kiss of hope transcended

Every moment spelled
Of magic and more
A surreal dance of time
And sprinkles of divine adore
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 12, 2022

If Not For Aeons

It was a tiny ray
Out in the void; probably astray

It travelled miles
With a brightened hope
And embraced the droplet
With a gentle lope

With a gracious rainbow
The sky alighted
What if not for aeons
The embrace still spelled love
Silently recited
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 11, 2022

Eternity In Their Souls

There have been times
When words were the alluring force
There have been times too
When words have all but failed
In telling what they felt

If absence of words
Were ever to be glorified
Between them
Silver roses would bloom
As moments are exchanged

Those moments spelled of glorious vows
Etched beyond eternity in their souls
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Charming Moment

Simple yet charming moment it was
When the wind blew cold
And you wrapped yourself up
In that adorable cerulean hoodie

Glancing up at me
With those puppy eyes
And a honey smile

It may have been cold outside
But my heart melted
With your warmth and softness
That is worth a zillion plushies
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Mystery of Time

Like the depth of night
And the mystery of time
With an ethereal feel
of sweetness
And hints of mischief

Beaming with hope
And softness of silk
The enigma of those
Chocolate eyes
Is a maze of charm

Lost as I am in the
Charisma of that gaze
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

As Long As Time Stays

Looking at a zillion miles
And the deepest of oceans
Sprawling the seven skies
And vast multitude expanses

A feeling so profound
Maybe because
It knows no bound

She thought
with her twinkling eyes
Preserving the warmth of heart
For as long as time stays

Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 7, 2022


As the sun receded
With a final glance
At the blushing waters

Adios, my beloved sweetheart
He said, until we meet again.

She cast a cursory look
At the horizon
I will wait when you
Bloom like the rose, she said
And smiled at him
Once more.
Copyright © 2022 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

About Me

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As a blogger, one of the things I am often asked is "How/ When did you get started with all this?" For as long as my memory takes me back, I have always found myself pondering about a plethora of things. I have always loved reflecting on the small but wonderful aspects of life. Ipsita Contemplates has been very special and I love to get the opportunity to share my musings, my thoughts, and my perceptions with you. It is also a way to appreciate the essence of Life!