
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Solace in Chaos

Searched for it in the crowd
In the never-ending noises
The crowded streets echoed
Nothing but silence

A silence so chaotic
It had the word of the woods
In the wilderness of the self
A voice hid under the hoods

It had the shine
Of the twinkling brook
That shone during the noon
And essence of that known melody
From the words
Of your favorite book

There was the charm of the cosmic chaos
And pull of the magnetic solace
That travellers often seek
In their journeys of perpetual grace

In the nothingness of the chaos
There was a concept of loss
But there too was a perk of discovery 
Of yourself once you swam across

That voice will be your soothing breeze
For journeys that you take
Even a moment's worth of solace
Is paramount in that momentous wake. 

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