
Tuesday, June 13, 2023


A moment of transition
And of moments...
When history seems to
Repeat itself.
Is it time enough though
To call all these moments
That have been...

For there are many more dawns
Yet to witness
Many more blossoms
Yet to smell
Miles to go
And paths to walk
Still many calming moonlights
To share our talks
And lie upon
The twinkling sand

Smiling starlight and
Warmth of the ocean breeze
Still waiting to feel
The chiming smile
That came across from
Thousands of miles

Dreams of those glories
Wrapped in silk
Are treasured in a place
Where time stays still
Aspirations of now
And Desires of the heart
Upon a warming smile
Present their shining part

Wishes gleam and Love beams
Under the silver moon and
In these days of
A magical June

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