
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Hare on the Moon

The first time I listened
To the story of the
Hare on the moon
I too wanted to go there
Not for the moon
But for the Hare
Who probably was still there

I kept wondering
How it must have felt
To have a celestial body
All just to yourself
There's the majestic view
Without the slightest sound
It must be surrealistic
But how would it feel
With not a dear one around

I was worried then
But days passed and 
I knew it was probably 
Just a special tale
Now as I look up at the moon
I find myself still wondering
About a possibly unseen rune

There must be more
To the compassion of the hare
Is it there to soothe a soul
That looks up for solace
In nights when 
The moon is not whole
Or to convey hearty whispers
From the loving souls
To their beloved listeners

A little behind the scenes:

When I listened to the story, I knew it was a story. However, as it always has been, I somehow associate life with everything, even inanimate objects. So, I kept wondering about the hare and its feelings.

I wondered if it was infact a gift to be on the moon or if the hare felt otherwise. But as time passed on, I tried to make peace with the situation of the mythical hare. But every single time I see the moon, when the silhouette of the hare is apparent, I return to my childhood musings. 

The hare is a symbol of compassion, intuition, creativity, new beginnings, and spring time. So, it makes sense that it might be there (symbolically) for a reason. Probably it acts as a medium of communication between loved ones who are far apart. Or it may act as a companion to someone who is probably feeling a bit blue and aloof. Or just to tell, "You are not alone. You might be on earth and I might be alone on moon. Even if I am a long way from you, I am there for you. As long as we are there together, we are never really alone."

Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved


  1. How beautifully you have penned down..I Hope..may the love and compassion you have felt..while writing this.. be with you always..

    1. Ipsita ContemplatesApril 3, 2023 at 7:08 PM

      Thank You. I hope everyone finds solace in the symbolic "Hare".
      "You never walk alone" : Only "Chosen Ones" will understand this.


Please let me know how you felt. I am all ears. Post a comment!