
Thursday, April 5, 2012

A lesson to learn

Sometimes life has two ways but sometimes it has many. Choosing between two ways is way too difficult than choosing among many. I can say this because if you have two options to choose from, you would have discovered all the possibilities involved- what you are going to get and what you are going to lose. But if you have many, there may not be a clear distinction between what you get and what you lose.
Ultimately, its you who have to decide. Its you who have to select whether to follow the gains or to follow the loses.

I don't know, what is the right way and which option is the correct one, but I always like to see possibilities in the perspective of gaining. I mean, suppose I choose one option. Definitely, there would be two aspects- you gain something and you lose something. But if I start looking at  what I have lost by choosing the option, then I will definitely never be happy. So, its way better, if I choose to see what I have gained. After all, life is all about living and living positively.

As a child, I read Gandhiji's talisman in the front pages of our NCERT Social Science books. It said,"whenever you are in pain and despair, always look for those who are bellow your level, who are suffering more than you. And you will then feel how privileged you are." I, sort of, love this talisman because whenever I feel bad or miss something, I feel good if I remember this. But important thing is to remember it then and there because normally in low moments, you find it hard to concentrate on good thoughts. This is what people say. I, however,find it easy to do so.

Yesterday, I went to an orphanage. And that was exactly not an orphanage. At least, I didn't feel so. I can say this because the children over there are so much happy and jovial, you can hardly say that they miss anything in their life. They are living there with all the happiness in the world.....they feel so. There is a child of around three years age who is very loving. The in-charge told us that she has a late mental development. But, what I found out was she was much intelligent than many of us. She has the gift of love and the gift of smile. She kept us all grounded for all the moments we spent there. We almost forgot who we are. It was a feeling even words can't describe. So,if they can take life so easily, if they are not even giving a second thought to the option they could have, if they are taking life with all the beauty of it and are forgetting the losses they have gone through, then why we people having so much in life grumble for small things.  Its a lesson that we have to ,learn from those kids. Why can't we understand that whatever we have is more than enough. God has given us so much. We have been blessed with all the beautiful things. We should be grateful. I am not preaching or advising, but just give it a thought. After all, its just One Life To Live!!

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