
Wednesday, September 20, 2023


They say I hide it all
Yes there are no fancy pictures
But I have bared my soul

There were aspects that
A picture or selfie can never capture
But there were thousand tales
In every word
In every chapter

There are stories and many a lore
Fun anecdotes too...from across the shore 
But how would they know
For they are not readers
With a heart that glows
But just passersby
That go with the flow.
Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 8, 2023

Your Story

All she wanted was to love
But how could she
Knowing what it could have done

All she wanted was to console them
But how could she
Knowing that her hug would be shunned

Love is all she was
So she withdrew to corners
Where she would be hard to find

Until You found her
And she sparkled
Like the bejeweled stars

Yes, she melted
But she melted in Love
And she loved like Love never could

She danced 
And dazzled and glistened with You
She glimmered and shimmered
And blushed when she knew
That she was destined
Destined With You

That's where your story began
For she was Ice
And You were the sun

Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved


From places to places
We go
Do we move in space
Or stay still in time
Or be mere spectators
Of a starry sea
In an endless ocean
Of limitless depth
We are just but
You and me
In expanses of the dimensions
We never knew
Should we have been
Never, ever, or

Copyright © 2023 One Life To Live. All Rights Reserved